A.R. Media in Calgary reports;
Calgary-The streets are full of protesters upset that pregnant Calgarians are being sent to Montana to deliver their babies.
Alice McMommy head of R.E.A.L. women in Calgary issued this statement.
“How are we supposed to recruit members for FPC* when the government is making it look like having a baby might be difficult? After all we’ve done to support them.”
Cathy Lick opined,”I told my priest how the government was abusing mothers. He told me to treat them nicely and maybe they would stop. So I am going to the legislature with a cake today.”
The Right to Life groups have rallied around these women in an amazing way.
The situaton can best be summed up in the words of Femi Nist, “It is said a pregnant Mary travelled on a donkey,our pregnant women travel because of ass too.”
*FPC, Forced Pregnancy Crowd
Story also covered here
And some folks say feminists have no sense of ha ha…you crack me up. This is the kind of humour I like to use, but folks miss the subtle ironic sarcasm.