I was honoured to have been chosen by Peri’s Wrinkle for this award. If this blog isn’t on your reading list it should be.–see how I managed to make her part of the list and still keep 5 mwhahaha–
You can read about me here {I feel all narcissistic!}
The rules are as such;
The participation rules are simple:
1. If, and only if, you get tagged, write a post with links to 5 blogs that make you think,
2. Link to this post so that people can easily find the exact origin of the meme,
3. Optional: Proudly display the ‘Thinking Blogger Award’ with a link to the post that you wrote (here is an alternative silver version if gold doesn’t fit your blog).
That was that! Please, remember to tag blogs with real merits, i.e. relative content, and above all – blogs that really get you thinking!
Narrowing down to five eek, if I missed you I deeply apologize it is hard to only pick five out of the hundreds of blogs I read.
in no particular order then
1. POGGE, always a thoughtful and informative narrative. Reading this blog is both a pleasure and an education. If I may I would also like to single out skdadl and pogge who are both fine* writers and we get to read them for free.
*Of superior quality, skill,
2. Unrepentant Old Hippie. An irreverent straight shooter jj doesn’t pull any punches. She writes with humour but if you’re not careful you just might find yourself learning something.
3. Birth Pangs I sometimes write to this blog but won’t discount it for that reason as the main writers are fern hill and deBeauxOs. Their dedication to women’s rights and women’s choice combined with their fantastic writing talents make this blog a must read.
4. Verbena-19 Verbena’s blog is an amazing resource for those concerned with activism and human rights. I’m going to sneak liberal catnip in here too for the work on behalf of Kevin and because she has a damn good blog.
5. Betty’s Early Edition I actually only found this blog yesterday. However, this is written by a woman who truly puts “her money where her mouth is” I hope I have half her passion and courage when I grow up.
If you can, take a minute and send her a message or a few funds.
As I said at the beginning this was very hard. Took hours in fact. There are so many great writers, researchers and activists out there, this is but a sampling.
For more great blogs check out my blogroll, Blogging Change, and Rose’s Place.
Wow. It’s hard to believe we’ve been doing this for not quite three months yet. Birth Pangs was born on Groundhog Day, one of my fave holidays.
But, BP is Debra’s baby. Her idea. Her
bullyingleadership.It’s a lot of fun. Thanks for the opportunity, Debra. And the nomination.
April, thanks so much — God, I owe you so much, y’know?
But thanks especially for telling us about Betty’s Early Edition. All your other nominees I know and admire, and I knew some of Betty’s story, but I am gobsmacked-happy to find that she has a blog.
Gosh …. 😳
All I can say is that my friends are ever so grateful that you, Debra, have provided me with an outlet for my goofy rants.
Aw, thank you debra. “Irreverent” — I like it. 😈 😆 😎
These are excellent blogs. Thank-you for the directions!
Debra, thank you so much for including me here. It is an honour. 🙂
You’ve included some other excellent blogs, most of which are also my faves, the others I’ll be checking out.
Sorry for this tardy reply. Haven’t been on here much. My sister had a brain aneurysm a couple weeks ago (just when I’d returned from the Peace Conference in Ottawa), so I’ve been busy with hospital visits, then taking care of her at her home. She’s still not back to normal, so will require more of my time. That’s why my posts have been sporadic too, and my email is totally backed-up.
Best wishes to you and the other wonderful women who write here and on their interesting, thought provoking blogs.