An article in the Star reports that Omar Khadr’s Canadian lawyer was harassed by U.S. customs officials. He was requested to turn over all papers related to Khadr’s case and had all his personal effects searched as well.
It seems to be standard procedure for guards to violate attorney client privilege by reading defence lawyers notes however, this would appear to be the first time customs officials have become involved.
Omar Khadr is the last western prisoner to be held in Guantanamo and Peter Mackay of Canada’s New Government™ has no plans to activate for his release.
The lack of awareness and concern for human rights is only one of the burdens of shame this government carries.
It makes their rhetoric about being in Afghanistan to promote human rights and democracy a little hard to swallow. Much like the same from Bush makes one choke.
Thanks for posting this—I’ve got it bookmarked now.
Your papers, please!
Ok, at what point do we get to official declare the US a police state? I mean come on…