One hundred and forty years of growth. A country that had risen to be known among the world as one of tolerance, peace and respect for human rights.
Canada still had issues to work out but was on it’s way to being a progressive society.
The rise of radical right wingers in the states started affecting Canada for the worst. Social programs were deemed too costly, yet any savings were not realized as tax cuts for corporations further eroded government income.
As the tax income became more stretched, more was expected from the average citizen and yet tax cuts for the corporations and the wealthy continued.
Quite conveniently bringing to fruition the prophesy that social programs including health care were costly and unsustainable. Calls for “smaller government” resulted in the loss of hundreds (thousands? ) of government jobs. Resulting in frustration for those trying to access government services and contributing to the shrinking of the middle class. [Read more…] about Happy Canada Day