So the partisans have decided that party politics trump human rights.
Surprising? Well not really. Sickening? Definitely.
Thanks guys for suggesting that we are over reacting. Perhaps if as fern suggested you read that pink blog aka Birth Pangs once in a while you would be cognisant of the fact that this is exactly how rights started being eroded in the states. You would be aware that this isn’t a few “Bread and Roses women” getting their knickers in a knot. The NeoCons start with women because they know how to pick their targets. They know the partisans will gladly throw the women under the bus. Women and children first, eh guys?
It won’t stop with us. Perhaps you have read about the little spot of trouble with habeas corpus? The pronouncing of the Geneva Conventions as quaint? I’ll let you in on a little secret guys…’s the same people.
Don’t worry about us though, we’ll be over here fighting the same fucking fight we have been fighting for years. But when your party finally gets the fortitude to force an election don’t fucking count on our vote!