*2006 Federal Conservative Government Cuts
Canada Policy Research Networks ELIMINATED
Canada School of Public Service FUNDING REDUCTION
Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation FUNDING REDUCTION
Canada Revenue Agency Visitor Rebate Program ELIMINATED
Canadian Heritage Centre for Research and Information on Canada FUNDING
Canadian Heritage Support to Canadian Volunteerism Initiative ELIMINATED
Canadian Labour Business Centre ELIMINATED
Canadian Policy Research Networks FUNDING ELIMINATED
Canadian Volunteerism Initiative ELIMINATED
Community Access Program, internet access for communities at libraries,
post offices, community centers ELIMINATED
Court Challenges Program ELIMINATED
Court Commission of Canada ELIMINATED
Environment: Youth International Internship Program ELIMINATED
First Nations and Inuit Tobacco Control Program ELIMINATED
Foreign Affairs and Public Diplomacy Program ELIMINATED
Foreign Affairs Youth International Internship Program ELIMINATED
Health Canada $28.1 MILLION REDUCTION
Health Canada Policy Research Program ELIMINATED
Health Canada Medical Marijuana Research Program ELIMINATED
Human Resources and Skills Development SIGNIFICANT FUNDING REDUCTIONS
HRD Adult Learning and Literacy programs REDUCED AND ELIMINATED
HRD Youth Employment Programs REDUCED AND ELIMINATED
Indian and Northern Affairs Canada FUNDING REDUCTION
Industry Canada Programs including Technology Partnerships Canada
Industry Industrial Programs including Technology Partnerships Canada
LAW Commission of Canada ELIMINATED
Mountain Pine Beetle Initiative ELIMINATED
Museum Assistance Program FUNDING REDUCTION
National Defence High-Frequency Surface Wave Radar Project ELIMINATED
Natural Resources and Environment Climate Change Programs, including the
One Tonne Challenge, 40 public information offices across the country,
and several scientific and research programs on climate change, 40%
Natural Resources Programs for Studying Concrete and Other Materials
Public Works and Government Services Canadian Identity Grant and
Contribution Program ELIMINATED
Royal Canadian Mounted Police Drug Impaired Driving Program Training
Status of Women Canada, SIGNIFICANT BUDGET CUT
Status of Women Canada mandate CHANGED; EXCLUDES “gender equality and
political justice”
Status of Women, advocating, policy research and lobbying TOTALLY BANNED
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada FUNDING REDUCTION
Workplace Equity/Employment Equity Program SIGNIFICANT REDUCTION
Programs Lost
* Victoria Status of Women Action Group (vSWAG) – current funding expires
December 2006. Not eligible for future funding.
* Wellbeing through Inclusion Socially and Economically (WISE) – current
funding expires December 2007. Not eligible for future funding.
* Kamloops Women’s Resource Centre
Harper’s Biggest Lie
“The Harper government has embraced a pre-Nixonian policy towards China, deliberately distancing Canada from the emerging mega-power, thereby limiting our ability to affect China’s performance on human rights or on other issues,” Clark said.
“With the Harper government, there is a new, more deliberate insularity [in foreign policy] with the singular exception of our military engagement in Afghanistan,” Clark said. “I believe that Mr Harper and his colleagues are moving deliberately away from central elements of the foreign policy that has been a key strength for Canada under both Progressive Conservative and Liberal administrations.
“Mr Harper’s party, [formerly] known as the Reform Party, began self-consciously as a protest movement and it has no inherited tradition in international affairs … moreover, their method is wedge politics, so there is scant domestic experience with brokering and embracing contesting points of view,” Clark added. “These significant departures from Canada’s traditional foreign policy should not be considered as rookie mistakes, but as deliberate policy.”
Joe Clark