I deleted my Facebook account awhile ago because I could no longer feel right with myself visiting a site which so clearly violates my principles. Complaints about misogynist groups advocating rape and other abuses towards women, groups degrading those with physical or mental handicaps were regularly met with ‘this does not violate Facebook standards’ yet apparently perfectly lovely shots of breastfeeding mothers do. Tattoos on breast cancer survivors seem to also.
However, I have found myself wondering if standing up for my principles does anything but soothe my conscience. I see many many progressives on Facebook and I have to wonder why it bothers me so much if it doesn’t bother them? At least not enough for them to leave.
This isn’t the first time I have taken a principled stand only for it to seem meaningless. I wonder if anyone else has this type of experience? Is there anything you have done, not done, quit because it seemed right to you, yet others who seem to share your values don’t feel the need to do the same?
I left PayPal to support WikiLeaks.
Avoided going back at Christmas to give via Kiva.
Considering buying something again on eBay though soon.
It is really hard to avoid these institutions.
Hi Debra…I’m sorry your Facebook experience was ruined by the ghastly misogynists and other bullies that frequent it. I have always resisted the enormous pressure to join FB, even though it would probably earn my humble blog a few more readers. The reason I haven’t joined is because I want to control my time online, I’m not looking for a social experience, and I consider it the greatest invasion of privacy the world has ever seen.
People on Facebook may be progressive but FB is definitely not. I also know a lot of younger people who have quit it for other sites. I think that seniors are FB’s growing demographic. Of course, you could also look at this way: Facebook is not progressive, but it’s a great way to keep in touch with your progressive friends. I wouldn’t feel guilty about anything one way or the other.
As for me I don’t feel I’m missing out on anything. And after Zuckerberg announced that he would be killing his own meat, there was absolutely no way that I could ever join… 😉
oh ugh Zuckerberg *blech* I prefer Tumblr and Twitter for keeping track of people and events. Tumblr is especially good for keeping up with Doctor Who, Sherlock and such as well as social justice issues. 🙂
I have never created a Facebook account and never will. I figured it was some kind of cyber-social experiment financed by security agencies. Given Snowden’s revelations, I think that assumption was not far off the mark.
True – especially given that they even log the posts that you erase.