Italy has revived the medieval practice of establishing special depositories where parents can safely and anonymously abandon their unwanted newborn babies.
From the as far back as the 8th century, it was common for desperate mothers to lay an unwanted child on a wooden wheel, which was half inside the wall of a convent and half outside. This allowed mothers to leave their babies without been seen.
Today’s version of the so-called “foundling wheel,” follows the same concept, but has been updated. The new foundling wheel offers a heated cradle area and is located half inside the Casilino hospital in Rome.
Some would ponder why we are still using medieval concepts to deal with women’s issues. Some might ponder the circumstances of these pregnancies, the emotional after care of the mothers and children.
Others might say
“It represents an intelligent and efficient way for social structures to face dramatic situations…it follows the call of all those struggling to give children, women and all those who live in difficult conditions, equal opportunities and dignity,” Turco said in a statement.
Here’s a list of things that contribute to equal rights and dignity see if you can find the one that doesn’t seem to belong;
equal rights
equal pay
reproductive rights
birth control information and assistance
social programs
training programs
a place to leave a child of an unwanted pregnancy
Obviously this is better than a child being left in the street but rights and dignity?
I don’t think so.