The leadership race doesn’t seem to have had the intended effect of strengthening the Liberal party.
Though I suppose one could legitimately argue it has weeded out those with very right wing ideology.
This has nothing to do with New Canadians and everything to do with social conservatism.
The conservatives have found a supportive base for their stance against women’s issues, including reproductive rights, for their stance against social programs and their willingness to allow religion to dictate policy.
This statement is very telling
Khan said his “disillusionment” with the Liberals began in 2005, particularly after Paul Martin’s government signed a budget deal with the “socialist” New Democrats to extend the life of its minority government. Khan said his decision to defect was made easier by Liberal Leader Stéphane Dion who, he said, has no foreign policy, no economic credentials and no commitment to “family values.”
family values
Code for getting back to the good old days when men were men, sheep were nervous and the poor did the right thing and died off or went into the woods where decent people didn’t have to deal with them.
The NDP might want to take note of this part of that quote
after Paul Martin’s government signed a budget deal with the “socialist” New Democrats to extend the life of its minority government.
If he has publicly stated that he is disillusioned with a party for working with the NDP is there much chance that Harper has any intention of entering into or honouring any agreement with a socialist party?
Next we’ll have calls to check for Reds under the beds..but I digress.
We have seen the disasters that have been created by bowing to the religious right in the States.
Abstinence programs that have resulted in higher pregnancy rates, cut backs of services that are pushing poor people into even greater poverty, children threatened with death for questioning whether scripture is belief or fact, threats to women’s autonomy.
Harper doesn’t even believe this crap himself but he’s very much an ends justifies the means kinda guy, as well as a big spoiled baby who wants to get back at every person who ever thwarted him and their family, friends and supporters.
Canadians are not Father knows Best the way much of rural America is. They are much more likely to not only support but live a life where both partners work and where daycare and other supports are needed.
It is more important than ever that we make sure these people get to the polls. The pulpit masters will certainly be doing their bit to get the fundamentalists out there.