It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones. (Luke (ch. XVII, v. 2)
Apparently on that Christ and today’s church would disagree.
Deliver Us From Evil is a film that chronicles the abuses by Father Oliver O’Grady.
He was the closest thing to God they knew. Bob Jyono can still picture the priest he and his wife, Maria, called Ollie, a family friend who often spent the night in their Lodi home, saying his morning prayers with a Bible in his hands.
“And all during the night, he’s molesting my daughter — not molesting, raping her! — at 5 years old,” wails Jyono in “Deliver Us From Evil.” It’s a devastating documentary about Oliver O’Grady, the notorious pedophile priest who sexually abused children, including a 9-month-old baby, in a string of Central California towns for 20 years — and the Catholic bishops who moved him from parish to unsuspecting parish, allegedly covering up his crimes.
The church knew what he was doing and at one point helped him avoid prosecution by telling the police they would move him somewhere there were no children a complete falsehood. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.(perhaps that does not cover lying to protect a pedophile)
Father O’Grady is decidedly unrepentant;
He wears a sly smile as he says what arouses him: “How about children in swimsuits? I’d say, yeah. How about children in underwear? I’d say, yeah. How about children naked? Uh-huh, yeah.”
And the church of course is praying for the hearts and souls of those he hurt. Denouncing him as evil, thanking those who brought his heinous crimes to light…or not..
The film also points to the culpability of church officials, like Mahony, who has been named in numerous civil suits by victims of priestly abuse. “They banked on our silence and our shame,” Jyono said. “That’s how they got away with it for so long.”
In a phone interview with The Chronicle, Tamberg said, “Everyone should be saddened by the kind of emotional and spiritual devastation that these kind of child molesters can wreak on individuals and families. That said, this movie is incredibly biased and omits many facts that would’ve changed the assumption the movie makes.”
The movie, Tamberg added, “is chock full of attorneys and expert witnesses who make millions of dollars every year in abuse litigation against the church. It’s a big advertisement for them.”
What facts could change the assumption that the church knew full well of his activities and allowed them to occur?
Maybe this fact?
The leaked Vatican document proves that under his papacy his deputy Cardinal Radzinger reissued the Vatican directive “Solicitacciones Criminale” of Pope John XXIII instructing Roman Catholic bishops to protect sex pervert pedophile and homosexual and lesbian pedophile priests and nuns at the expense of not protecting the little children whom these criminal perverts destroy. The directive also instructs the protection of clergy who have sex with animals.
Jesus loves the little children
All the children of the world
Black and yellow, red and white
They’re all precious in His sight
Jesus loves the little children of the world…but the church not so much…
Halden says
Stories like this anger me at the very core of my being. For someone to abuse such a position of trust and power is disgusting. It is cases like this that always make me question my stance on the death penalty, guys like this make it hard to be a pacifist.
Jessica says
It makes you wonder if a case like this can be brought to the publics eye, what kind of things are they covering. People will read this and still go to mass on Sunday. its just that easy to turn a blind eye…disgusting!