Having not had access to blogging due to a computer meltdown, this will be a number of general observations about the election over the past few days.
Sandra Buckler appearing on a panel the morning the election was called started speaking about ‘blue provinces’ perhaps Sandra has been watching too much American election coverage. Though this Americanizaton of Canadian politics seems to be intended as the press release from Harper had a graphic nearly identical to that used in American politics. Harper ’08. I wasn’t aware we elected a PM I thought we elected parties.
Harper in his speech to reporters (and really do reporters have no memory or were these the ‘vetted’ reporters because his bashful, jovial aw shucks giggling was the complete antithesis of the way he usually responds to the press) spoke of his ‘family friendly economics’ and trotted out the 1200 dollars a year available in pro-rated amounts to families with children under 7. Family friendly? Right. 100 bucks a month goes a long way to providing good quality, safe, regulated daycare. NOT
Harper consistantly played on his being a ‘family man’ as if this has some bearing on his ability to run the country, solve poverty, expand regulations for pollution control and deal with a declining economy. Also when challenged as to whether Dion and Layton were not also family men, he smarmily sidestepped the question in such a way as to insinuate he didn’t believe so.
One of the meme’s around the election seems to be that the [Not Your Father’s]Conservatives are the only centre/right party and that all other parties are left wing. This is the same baffle ’em with bullshit that has dragged the American political parties into neanderthal territory playing to the lowest common denominator.
He speaks of the senate being a problem for democracy no doubt because they have proven troublesome getting anti democratic bills shoved through such as Bill C-10. Laughingly Harper also opined that he is always picked on but that he himself is not one to attack in a personal or nasty fashion. If there was a God surely lighting would have struck at the boldness of that statement.
Harper spoke of his government not getting support from the other parties. Perhaps we could band together buy the poor dear a dictionary and highlight the term OPPOSITION for him. It is especially amusing to see him speak of cooperation (when really he means capitulation to everything he wants) as he truly believes he has no responsibility to protect or represent those who didn’t vote for him.
I was particularly impressed with Gilles Duceppe and his speech going into the election. He was the only one who touched on the efforts of the Harper government to turn back the clock on women’s rights, the decimation of SWC, the callous attitude toward pollution ‘Kyoto socialist plot’ and the Republican style tactics which Harper et al engage in.
It is unfortunate that so much time and energy was wasted on debating Ms. May’s inclusion in the debates. Although she has in effect made a pact with the Liberals, it is right for her to be included in the interests of democracy and representation for those interested in her party. Debating her inclusion seemed to carry more weight than discussions of job loss, poverty, environment and other issues having far more impact on the daily lives of Canadians.
Harper showed his commitment to the environment when he chose a motorcade to cross the street.
I have been very interested in the comments that the American election is more exciting than the Canadian election and wonder how anyone got that idea. After all they have two parties, we have many. Their two parties are falling all over themselves to garner the vote of the small number of fundamentalist crazies who through judicious use of fakery make their numbers seem grossly inflated. Hey our crazies do that too, still no reason to pander to them.
Regardless of who makes the best gossip, we live here. Our vote matters here. And it is no exaggeration to say that this vote may well change the face of Canada for generations to come. If the Harper Reform/Alliance party is given any serious numbers the country known for it’s civility,caring and dedication to human rights will become a thing of the past. In it’s place will be a country where father knows best, dissent is disallowed and rights are for those that can afford them. I for one do not want to live in that twisted version of Canada.