Psychols has a post today wondering if PB members are willing to put the progressive where their mouth is, so to speak.
I’ve been wondering the same thing.
PB membership is well over 300. I’ve posted about the petition to save the Community Access Program and currently sigs stand at 73. This is from a wide range of places.
So do people like to talk about progressive more than they like to act upon it?
Perhaps you need a reason to vote. Well if you are a social democratic (philosophy not party) you can go to the site and read about the success stories of various CAPS centers. Then vote so there can be more.
If you are a partisan of any party other than the conservatives you can consider it a vote against Harper.
If you are a partisan Liberal consider it a vote to save a Liberal program from the ravages of Harper government.
I’m putting my faith in you to act upon your progressive values and help save a low cost, extremely important program.
Website here
Petition here
Please pass this link on to all your contacts!
Lets build upon the momentum of success through perseverance that Verbena and liberal catnip have shown us.
Lord Kitchener's Own says
I signed yesterday, and had a quick question.
I like to stay anonymous on the internets (even for blatantly and obviously good things like this, though I would of course use my real info for a more formal petition) so I wonder what you would consider more “appropriate”. For this type of petition, I put my real name in the form, but checked the “list me as anonymous” option, but I’d imagine for a petition like the “My Blagh” petition it makes more sense for one to put one’s pseudonym, if one blogs under one, especially given the “this is a list of Progressive Bloggers displaying their opinions” connotation (“anonymous” doesn’t identify me as a PBer, while “LKO” does).
I felt for the less “insular” petition, on CAPs (which I don’t mean pejoratively, hopefully what I mean to express is clear) that another “anonymous” sig was more appropriate than a pseudonym. Or do you think a pseudonym would actually have more weight, being more “individualized? More “unique”?
April Reign says
I’d say generally that Real World™ petitions should be signed with one’s Real Name™.
People do often, however, have legitimate concerns about using their real names and that I would assume is why the anonymous option is given.
Therefore, I believe that using the anonymous function is perfectly reasonable.
For the PB petition I think it appropriate to use blog names, but…
This being a contentious issue and some people being concerned about drawing fire to their blogs, people who perhaps aren’t as cranky as me 😉 may prefer to remain anonymous.
Lord Kitchener's Own says
Thanks, April.
That’s about how I saw it too.
For what it’s worth, I’d certainly hope no one would “draw fire” to their blogs simply by virtue of signing your My Blagh petition. I’ve been “firing” all over the place, as you know, but that was in response to people’s arguments, not simply a desire that Robert be re-instated. I’d certainly never visit someone’s blog to snipe at them for signing the petition, just on the basis that they signed the petition. I’d hope no one else would either.
Anyway, thanks again for the reply!