Mr. McKeever’s remarks are certainly not in keeping with NDP values or platforms and one wonders whether there was A) full disclosure during the vetting process and B) if proper investigation was done. After all if Liberal smear hounds fan boys can find this info it can’t be that difficult to track down. While some like *cough*cherniak*cough* are thrilled to be able to smear shit around like a child suddenly able to remove it’s diaper, it seems rather that we as the voting public should be asking for enquiries into the process of becoming a candidate.
There are currently many barriers to entering politics; disgust at the cherniaks smear mongers chief among them. However, it would be beneficial to all parties to ensure that the candiadates running represent both the values of their party and the values of Canadians as whole.
McKeever almost makes one want to reach for the tinfoil hat and wonder if he was a plant by another party.
At least four NDP candidates, including McKeever, have resigned or been expelled, as well as at least one Conservative and two Liberals.
Based on quotes and behaviour it seems that while some might have shit-eating-grins at least the NDP is upstanding enough to remove the candidates and members of their party whose views are not those in accordance with progressive Canadian values.
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