Robert Knipstrom, 36, died early Saturday in hospital, four days after two officers used pepper spray, a taser and their batons on the Chilliwack, B.C., resident, who reportedly was acting erratically in a Chilliwack rental store.
{the Globe}
My family and I along with other activists from Bread and Roses attended the rally to remember Robert Dziekanski and to demand an investigation into his death.
As was stated at the rally this is no longer just about 4 officers, or TASER™’s this is about a culture and climate of political change which has allowed and encouraged the police to see the general public as an enemy to be subdued.
This fits very well with the right wing cultish approach to politics. Creating a society of sheeple ready to agree without question to the demands of their leader. {as an aside I wonder how right wing foetus fetishers will react to the first case of a pregnant woman who gets TASERED™?)
Those in attendance at todays rally were for the most part ‘older’, ‘well-dressed’, and well-heeled. The sort of Canadian that cons might see as the average “don’t have time for protesting” sort.
Perhaps Harper et al will find it surprising that Rush Limbaugh politics don’t play well in Canada (Free Dominion a distasteful exception.) most of us though are not surprised that the average Canadian does not want to fear the police. Many Canadians, in fact, came to this country to escape that very type of culture.
So yes we demand an immediate halt to any further use of TASER™, but we also demand an end to the use of our police forces as execution squads.
That is an excellent point, for the most part the people who attended were older. The over 50 crowd have an incredible amount of push back to give and this current climate of political change is giving us lots to push back about.
Last night I attended a public forum on SPP, I believe at 55 I was the youngest person in attendance (minus the poli’s who spoke 🙂 ).
According to the 2006 census nearly one out of every three Canadians is a boomer, Canadians aged 55 to 64 are the fastest growing demographic, accounting for 3.7 million people, a 28 per cent rise from five years ago. And we are MOBILIZING! If the middle class, middle-aged are visible we can set an example to younger generations.
So you found a way to blame the taser business on Harper. I knew you’d get around to it sooner or later.
Rewind, I suppose the public forum on the SPP was full of information about North American Union and the Amero currency and the alleged NAFTA Superhighway?
Blame the deaths on Harper? I thought I was quite squarely laying the blame on the RCMP.
It is the lack of concern around those deaths and the political philosophy that says these occurrences are ok that I lay on Harper and Doris.