The anti-choice factions have been frothing at the mouth as of late emboldened by such things as Bill C-484, Bill C-537, and Bill C-338.
Prime Minister Harper promised that a Conservative government would not legislate on abortion, but this is exactly what is happening, not just with Bill C-484, but with two other Conservative private member bills introduced last fall. Bill C-338 would re-criminalize abortion by prohibiting abortions after 20 weeks gestation. Bill C-537 would guarantee the “right” of medical personnel to refuse to provide medical care for religious reasons, which would mostly restrict women’s ability to access contraception and abortion care.
Bill C-484 is a radical bill because it positions the fetus as a woman’s co-equal. By focussing on fetuses, not injured pregnant women, the bill is offensive to the full humanity of all women, not just pregnant women. The not-so-hidden agenda of the bill is to recognize the “rights of the unborn” so that abortion can be restricted in the future. Indeed, fetal personhood is a long-standing objective of the anti-abortion movement.
It is their view that nothing trumps the right of their god and men to force women to be brood mares the fetus. Regardless of how the pregnancy came into being, the age of the mother to be, or the health and emotional well being of the mother each little egg must be hatched.
These people feel they have a god given right to force their views and lifestyle choice upon others up to and including laws to make any deviation from their extremism a criminal act. This extremism includes the teaching of hate to those formerly precious eggs, now children. Hatred of gays, feminists, leftists, atheists and so on. I have blogged previously that although I believe such acts to be child abuse, I don’t believe the state has a place in ensuring “proper thoughts”. Perhaps though I was hasty. You see I know that were these sorts to ever come to power they, as other despots afore them, would not bat an eye if my children were wrenched from their home to brainwashed educated into their hatred religious beliefs. Therefore, I propose a private citizens bill. Bill C-404* [*404 on the net indicates an error. This is appropriate as we try to show the egg fanciers the error of their ways.] this bill would create the right to remove from any home children being taught hatred contrary to the laws of the land and the laws of the Jesus. To whit hatred against but not excluding others leftists, atheists, feminists and gays.
Jesus loves the little children,
All the children of the world.
Red and yellow, black and white,
All are precious in His sight,
Jesus loves the little children of the world.
Children will also be removed from homes who believe in the parenting techniques of religious subversives such as Dr. Dobson;
In Chapter 4 Dobson goes into more detail about corporal punishment, recommending using objects (not the hand) to hit and whip children, starting as young as 15-18 months old for “defiance.”
A child’s right to a life free from the teachings of hatred and the results of such teaching far surpass those of anyone to practice religion. Look I have pictures of what happens when abuse is allowed unchecked…here, here and here.
Help protect our little ones, support Bill C-404.
Graphics available here