Let’s start with a definition.
To kill brutally or inhumanly.
Which we will follow up with a snuff film… er video of an incident. {opens Windows Media Player}
Nothing less than the word murder applies to what appears in that video. This was not a life or death action on behalf of the RCMP. This was not an armed and dangerous offender bent on cop killing.
What on earth prevented the simple act of phoning for an interpreter from entering their minds? What was the rush to take down in such a violent fashion and then heap further abuse upon a downed, hand cuffed, unarmed, visitor to our country?
Had this film shown a similar number of young persons, most particularly of colour, engaging in a similar act of aggression resulting in death there would be no end of calls for justice, for lack of mercy, for lifelong imprisonment.
The act of donning a uniform, seems these days to give one carte blanche to engage in whatever thuggery one chooses in the name of the ‘greater good’. Yet no good seems to be coming from it.
This was a pointless and senseless death. It is a tragedy for the family and a wake up call for Canadians.
We have the right to expect more from those given the privilege of serving their communities. Those who make and keep the laws must never be allowed to be above them.
Murder does not cease to be a crime simply because it was committed by someone sporting a uniform.