Ever embed a YouTube only to have it break your validation? There are plugins that will help with this, but they are for the most part only for posts or pages, for sidebar videos you were on your own.
Never fear intrepid WordPress/YouTube user there is a tool that will solve this problem, “Valid XHTML YouTube embed code generator” will generate a valid code and resize the video to your specifications.
Two comment plugins that make things easier for you and your commenters
Comment Remix Adds both front and admin end functionality
WP Ajax Edit Comments Because everyone should have the opportunity to correct their mistakes. 😉
and if you want to show off how many of those stellar comments you’ve received (or like me lack thereof ) try Liz Strauss Comment Counter
Tip of the Week
Are you having trouble with your end of post plugins and your posts running into each other? our your photos overhanging your postmeta?
Try adding this between them [sourcecode language=’php’]
For more WordPress help or design contact: Fat Cat Designs.