I’m am endeavouring to feel optimistic about the coming year, sadly my cynicism keeps overpowering my optimism. With Harris on steroids in the PMs seat and an opposition that seems as useless as teats on a bull, I fear that this country is going down a long dark dirty road. I keep feeling as if I should apologize to my children for bringing them into this.
The last few years democracy has taken a beating and it seems the thugs and bully boys in power have no intention of letting it up just yet the proroguing of parliament was yet another kick in the teeth.
Those seeking to take away rights from women, gays and anyone who doesn’t meet their narrow criteria of moral are being given voice far beyond their numbers and certainly far beyond their due. They are an embarrassment to the philosopher in whose name they claim to be acting.
It is with great pleasure that I read many of you each day. You are rays of sun in the black hole of despair which is washing over this land as the dark shadows of Mordor.
And so I wish my fellow bloggers well. May the year bring you peace and prosperity.
croghan27 says
..and a happy New Year bakatcha – I too sometimes dispare …. yet I have only to read you to have a surge (bad word these days) in spirits.