Many of us on wordpress owe much to the people who donate their skills and time to create the awesome plug-ins that give us so much flexibility with our blogs.
Today I’d like to thank Ajay for his work on the SPA plug in.
It is what enables the Snap Preview Anywhere which allows you to preview a site before clicking on the link.
Snap introduced a new version on Friday and by today Ajay had already upgraded the plug-in.
So thanks to those who provide their time and talents to provide us with the tools that enrich our blogging experience.
Scott Tribe says
I’m going to be sheepish admitting this.. but I couldnt figure out how to do the SPA upgrade. I got my code generated and all.. but I had no idea where to put it.. or rather.. where to find the old SPA coding to replace it with the new code generated.
What php file is the old SPA code located in? Or am I doing it wrong?
April Reign says
It is a little confusing the way SNAP has set it up.
But after you go to the link they gave you and set up your options and upload a pic if you like.
All you do is install the upgraded plug in.
Then go to your options where you again have the option to choose a colour and include your pic and whatnot.
For first time users it is even more confusing because you have to look through the code to find the 32 character key.
I guess we could write them about that.
Ajay says
@April, thanks for the mention 🙂
@Scott, to find you’re key take a look at How to find your SPA Key.
Scott Tribe says
The key part isnt the problem Ajay.
I got my keyfile fine. I want to know however which file on my side is where I paste that generated code into.
Scott Tribe says
Let me be more clear:
SNAP’s upgrade page says:
Click the ‘Select Text’ link to copy all of the code. Then go to your HTML file and paste the code directly before the tag, and you’re done!
Sounds pretty simple.. except for this slight detail/question:
Where the heck is the HTML file? I’ve just spent hours in my presentation theme editor going thru each css and php file that I can see on there.. and I see NOWHERE where there is a tag.
April Reign says
You don’t need that code. Everything that code would do is in the plug in.
The only difference that page makes is saving your picture/logo should you choose to have one.