AR MEDIA EXCLUSIVE– AR Media has just learned that the Toronto Police Force has signed a 2 year contract with DollarDiscount to supply them with bubble mixture, holsters and bubble guns. All contracts with Taser International have been dropped. Having realized the potential of bubbles as a weapon and in an effort to cut costs Toronto’s finest will now be sporting the much more sinister bubble gun. A police spokesperson said, “Tasers have been shown to be a shockingly inadequate weapon against peaceful protesters anarchist thugs”

Police have released this video showing bubbles being used as a weapon against them. “Once we saw the inherent power of these bubbles and saw that these weapons were already in the hands of the anarchists we knew we had to move quickly, said Officer Bubbles”
SWAT teams will be equipped with these large bubble devices sure to bring a tear to any criminal elements eye.

Of course the criminal element is always trying to stay one step ahead of the law and already Anarchist CookBook type sites are popping up on the web such as this one which describes how to make your own bubble wands and solution.
AR Media will keep you posted on further developments to this story.
lol. That’ll show them thugs, hooligans, and anarchists, boy.
yep, gotta show ’em whose boss….
“…..Anarchist CookBook type sites are popping up…”
Thou makest a pun?
Who me? punny? why the very thought… 😉
LUV it!! Sharing…….!
LoL April/Debra. Well done!
Thank you!