You just can’t make these people up. If you did you would be accused of hyperbole. Of creating the classic over-the-top silent film villain.
After posting about the Con shriekfest yesterday I had two of them drop by. One to post word for word what is on the rally for canada site and one to drop this little nugget.
Author : Don Uthole
[other id info removed]
Look. Just because one group holds a memorial to promote their feminist ideology, does not mean there aren’t more important issues or issue others believe are important. When did you all get dibs on deciding what was most important?.
Right. Got that? 14 slaughtered women nothing but feminist ideology. Interesting that’s what Lepine thought too.
So remember the lesson for today is women murdered for being women unimportant. A rally to spread lies and fear on behalf of mien dear leader totally not ideology but important political dibs.
croghan27 says
Indeed, saving his own arse seems to be more important than remembering all those dead people .. after all they were only women.
If they had been CEOs or even VPs, now that would be a different kettle of fish.
Then again, this way of looking at things – a blinkered one dimensionl vision, may, just may have something to do with how they (Cons) got in this pickle to begin with.
Alison says
It’s going to get really ugly, isn’t it? At least some parts of it.
sassy says
croghan27 – Agreed – if fact I have the impression that saving his arse is more to Haprer important than anything else, and, as incidated through the actions of some of his supports, that includes the honouring of life itself.
Alison – .. get ugly, from some of the rhetoric, it seems that it may be headed that way. I truly hope that the ugly does not go beyond words. It’s very concerning. (Sarah Palin, dog whistle)
Niles says
The usual suspects are quick enough to exploit the massacre when they drag out the ‘killer is a secret muslim and *that’s* why he did it’ angle. They just get all ruffly and umbraged when they think the ‘feminists’ are exploiting the murders for other reasons, like the damage done to men by the patriarchy which in turn macrodamages women with institutionalized misogyny.
But then, these *are* the same people who are rallying around the cause of the “incompetent, yet fiendishly clever and long range planning, despite their complete lack of clarity and ability to form real plans of meaning for the country but that was apparently all a facade to hide their undemocratic backroom dealing – elitists socialists and separatistes” …coup d’etat…against the brave martyrs of Harper’s team, who’ll be first up against the…err..Opposition benches when the revolution comes by the forces of Satan.
You expected the sky on their planet to be something less than puice?