Ever wondered if the whole Father Knows Best sweater vest persona Harper puts on is just a show to appeal to his social conservative base? Well wonder no more! Ladies it turns out he really isn’t that into you.
The government of Prime Minister David Cameron believes the succession laws are antiquated and should be modernized, but they need the agreement of Commonwealth countries who maintain the Queen as the head of state, including Canada. New Zealand has agreed to the changes. But our prime minister, Stephen Harper, refuses. What twaddle.
Asked about all this on the campaign trail, Harper made it clear he wants to keep things as they are: leaving the monarchy to the eldest son, even if he has six older sisters. “The successor to the throne is a man,” he said. “The next successor to the throne is a man.” He says he has no intention of reopening debate on the monarchy, or any other part of our constitution.
One wonders if he simply tolerates the Queen, you know her missing that dangly bit and all.
h/t @anndouglas
ben says
I’m sure harper is crummy, but I think what he is saying specifically, is that QEII’s first child was a son. and his first child is a son. so for at least the next two generations, this debate will be purely academic.
that said, if , william has a daughter first. I would like for her to be the succeeding queen of canada regardless.