Poland debates constitutional change that could increase abortion restrictions
How nice that there are people who think they should make the decision as to what another person does with their body.
In researching wage disparity it often comes up that given the same set of circumstances women and mens wages are fairly equal. Well forcing women to bear children pretty much eliminates the choice to have a similar set of circumstances.
The same people that argue for these laws also fight to make contraception illegal and consider rape a womans fault.
It is big news right now that a Muslim cleric preached that ‘loose’ women are at fault for rape, but make no mistake that same message has rung from the pulpits of Christian churches and they bear equal blame and responsibility for the messages they are giving the sons and daughters of their congregations.
The people also want to do away with welfare programs, daycare programs, advocacy programs. How exactly are these children to be raised?
What kind of life if any is that 11 year old pregnant through incest going to have? What school will she attend? Who will care for the child? How will you piece her body and psyche back together?
How do you look a woman in the face whose pregnancy is killing her and tell her that because her disease is caused by pregnancy you do not value her life and will not treat her? How do you tell any other children she might have that they will no longer have a mother because some people thought they had the right to legislate her to literal death?
At what point do we recognize that this is not a right to fetal life issue, but a full fledged war on women? A war which seeks to have a womans life under the full and total control of those making the laws and running the country and you can be damned sure that given this course none of those people will be women.
Chant it with me: “My body is nobody’s body but mine!”
“The former Sandinista leader Daniel Ortega was a defender of Nicaragua’s limited abortion rights and a critic of the Catholic church when he led a left-wing Nicaraguan government in the 1980s.
He has since been reconciled with the church and has become a strident opponent of abortion.”
That answers the question I had. Disappointing.
Hey, wait, what, my blog is listed under “Inspiration”???? I’m blushing.