Aurora Mayor Phyllis Morris is campaigning to have clothes lines designated “as a good, a service or a technology,” this would enable home owners and tenants to bypass developer and landlord restrictions.
Think about it, clothes lines are the original solar powered home appliance. They help to conserve energy, and are another way to fight global warming.
The Ontario Ministry of the Environment says that a standard clothes dryer consumes 900 kWh of energy per year, creating up to 840 kg of air pollution and greenhouse gases.
Ontario Energy Minister Dwight Duncan was not available to comment, but a spokesman said Aurora is the only municipality to have issued a formal complaint.
Lets rectify that! Write your council, your mayor, your MPP and the Minister of the Environment.
And if you don’t live in Ontario don’t let that stop you!! Be the first to start the campaign in your area.
Mayor of Aurora
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But, but, but, unmentionables flying free!?! Will no one think of the children?!? 🙄