While the suits for hire may have successfully defended their use in court, and *experts* may have testified to their being benign, a Chicago study has found that Tasers actually do (surprise) cause harm.
The team of doctors and scientists at the trauma centre in Chicago’s Cook County hospital stunned 11 pigs with Taser guns in 2006, hitting their chests with 40-second jolts of electricity, pausing for 10 to 15 seconds, then hitting them for 40 more seconds.
When the jolts ended, every animal was left with heart rhythm problems, the researchers said. Two of the animals died from cardiac arrest, one three minutes after receiving a shock.
Naturally Taserâ„¢ is putting their spin on things;
Rick Smith, the CEO of Taser International and company co-founder, doesn’t think much can be concluded from the Chicago study because it focused on pigs that weigh less than 100 pounds and have a very different physiology from humans.
interesting that they don’t accept a study done on pigs;
Even the Taser International website points to studies on pigs in which the outcomes suggest the stun guns aren’t a serious safety risk.
900ft jesus says
this came up in the House yesterday. Haven’t read all of it yet, but I’m glad someone picked up on it. Quite a lengthy discussion on tazers with Day going on about numerous studies that are being conducted.
I guess the CONs may find one of those (sponsored by tazer itself under another name) that they can wave around as proof that not only are tazers safe, you can get them colour co-ordianted to your clothing with built in Mp3 players in the stylish holsters.