Image via WikipediaPlanned Parenthood in Florida was required to prove the presence of multi-family housing in order to get zoning permits. In an effort to meet the requirements and be good American citizens they contacted Habitat for Humanity and offered to sell them the land for 10 dollars. Habitat agreed and a deal was struck.
Now most people would think that affordable housing for Floridian families was a good thing. Not so the American Life League. No the ALL feels that once out of the womb you’re pretty much on your own.
And so they started their hate campaign and encouraged other vagina police to put an end to this project forthwith. Known for their creative use of polls one can just imagine the number of repeat phone calls, letters, emails etc that HH received. Unfortunately the Sarasota Habitat for Humanity saw caving to religious extremists as more important than providing housing for needy families.
In his email touting this “victory” as a good thing, Michael Hichborn says of ALL
It is the largest grassroots Catholic pro-life organization in the United States and is committed to the protection of all innocent human beings from the moment of creation to natural death.
From the moment of creation, eh? So we can look forward then to enormous prayer protests against their god for allowing all those miscarriages and therefore being the largest abortion provider of all.
Natural death? Again we will look forward to seeing the ALL out protesting the war, the NRA, the neonatal units trying to keep extreme preemies alive, and no doubt they will support anyone who finds themselves in the same situation as Terri Schiavo’s husband. All those tubes and breathing devices are certainly not natural.
Of course that will not happen. What Michael meant to say was that the American Life League is committed to policing women’s vaginas and forcing pregnancy and supporting rights for all life..for all people.. for eggs and fetuses.
Hold your heads proud no-lifers and don’t even think of all the families who lost out on housing. Hell if they wanted housing they should have stayed in the womb, then ALL would give a shit.
Them good’ol family values.
I suspect more than a few HH decision makers were sympathetic to ALL, otherwise why cave? It’s not like ALL was going to give them free land or mega-bucks – just grief.
Sad. So sad.
@David B –
Yes I think it is likely some were sympathetic and others would be swayed by the I’m a holier Christian than thou smear.