Here’s the deal. We get you like the fetuses. We get you want to hold them and pat and call them George.
Well guess what? Now you can. Just steal borrow an ultrasound from someone you don’t know and have no business interfering with and have this company print out your very own fetus plaything! Hours of fun! Get yours today!
The Handmaids Tale Dystopia Meets Reality
This story is both a horrific example of the human trafficking going on in the world and a warning as to what could happen to women should the womb police get their way.
Anyone familiar with Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaids Tale will recognize this type of scenario;
In its promotional material, the Asia-based operation makes pregnancy sound like an illness. Its symptoms include “loss of intimacy,” growing “out of shape” and, of course, “birth pangs.”
The solution? Fertilize a foreign stranger who will be fed nutritious meals, housed in a Bangkok suburb, monitored around the clock and kept to a precise sleep-wake schedule. “It is quite suitable,” says the agency’s broken-English pitch, “for the women who desire to have kids but no time for pregnancy.”
Sadly this lives not in the pages of a dystopian warning but is a profitable business in Asia. Recent developments of the GOP war on women in the States has many bloggers and tweeters asking if the GOP and their supporters see women as breeding stock, anti abortionists have even caused women to be investigated and arrested simply for thinking about abortion. Some lawmakers are considering investigating women for miscarriages. How long before laws are enforced that require pregnant or pre-pregnant women to adhere to specific types of behaviour very much like this;
This high degree of scrutiny is actually promoted by the company on the Chinese-language portion of its site. Surrogates are “accompanied by hand” while walking around the community, according to the site, which also promises they’ll be woken at 7 a.m., fed at specific times each day and put to bed at 10 p.m.
Happy Mother’s Day

This Mother’s Day I want to give a gift to my daughters, the gift of a voice.
Throughout history those who seek to reign despotically first seek to silence and disenfranchise the women, this current PM scrabbling after a majority like a junkie jonesing for a fix is no different. He started by all but completely destroying SWC and has continued to show disdain for women with quotes about “left-wing fringe groups” and Bush style gag laws on abortion for women in war-torn countries, and of course he continues to defund women’s groups and programs.
Senator Nancy Ruth caused a furor when she told aid groups “to “shut the fuck up” about abortion funding, or risk a government backlash.” She speaks the truth. Harper wants nothing more than for women to shut the fuck up and let him get on with destroying healthcare, social housing, women’s groups/shelters, eroding human rights, forwarding a right-wing fundamental christian agenda, and creating a climate of war, building prisons in place of social programs and spending all our tax dollars on funding corporate welfare payments.
My Canada is not a place where women shut up and do as they are told. My daughters are not incubators. We will continue to work for a Canadian society where all are valued and cared for and welcomed.
We will not Shut the Fuck Up!
CON Artists
Harper made it clear from the beginning that he was not on the side of those who didn’t vote for him and was particularly not on the side of women. It is not really surprising then that Senator Nancy Ruth said, “shut the f— up” or it could get worse.”
“If you push it, there will be more backlash,” said Ruth, who fears that outrage will push her boss, Prime Minister Stephen Harper, to take further measures against abortion and family planning – abroad, or maybe even in Canada. “This is now a political football. This is not about women’s health in this country.”
A political football indeed, the mother of all motherhood issues. There is nothing that would suit the cons better than to cause divisions such as are being played out in the States. Real issues, the economy, Afghanistan, health care would be covered over with messages of gurgling babies and how many angels can dance on the head of pin.
There are those who are gleefully jubilant over this story and the recent defunding of 13 women’s groups and 1 project. They think criminalizing abortion and putting women back in the control of men is god’s will and arrogantly belive we should all rule our lives by their choice of lifestyle.
Before they get too enamoured of Harper and his tactics they might want to read this article from the Independent.
David Cameron leader of the British Conservatives is branding his cons as compassionate and lauding Hammersmith and Fulham Council as an example of his compassionate approach. Let’s have a look at the compassion.
After promising to make things better for the very poor the first thing they did was simultaneously crack down on the poor and close 12 homeless shelters. Maybe you aren’t homeless and don’t see how that applies to you. Are you a young pregnant woman in an abusive relationship?
She was eight months pregnant. She explained she was being beaten up by her boyfriend and had finally fled because she was frightened for her unborn child. The council said they would “investigate” her situation to find “proof of homelessness” – but she told them she had nowhere to go while they carried it out. By law, they were required to provide her with emergency shelter. They refused. They suggested she try to find a flat on the private market.
For four nights, she slept in the local park, on the floor. She is still traumatised by the memories of lying, pregnant and abandoned, in one of the wealthiest parts of Europe.
Are you a working mom?
David Cameron says he wants to make Britain “the most family-friendly country in the world” with “childcare as a top priority”, but his showcase council has increased charges for childcare by a reported 121 per cent
Perhaps you are disabled or know someone who is.
[…]Within three months, the promise was broken. Debbie Domb, 51, is a teacher who was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in 1994. She had to give up work, and now she needs 24/7 care. After being lifted up by a large metal harness and placed in her wheelchair so she can talk to me, she explains: “This was always such a great place to live if you were disabled. You were really treated well. Then this new council was elected and it’s been so frightening… The first thing that happened when they came in was that they announced any disabled person they assessed as having ‘lower moderate’ needs was totally cut off. So people who needed help having a shower, or getting dressed, had that lifeline taken away completely. Then they started sending the rest of us bills.”
This is Harper’s wet dream. You may in your anti-feminist, anti-choice bubble be gloating for now, however, don’t be blinded to Harper’s real agenda which has little for the average Canadian regardless of whether you share his misogynist vision.
quote from The Star
Not Even Men Believe That
Over at Bread & Roses Antonia posted a link to a David Warren column which included such gems as;
Consider for instance the proposition, “a woman’s right to control her own body.” Not even men believe this, and a pregnant woman, who actually believes that the baby she is carrying is part of her own body, should wait for it to kick. Perhaps she has an astoundingly primitive notion of biology; but I should think even a woman of subnormal intelligence would understand the difference between what is in that bump she is carrying, and what is in the rest of her flesh. To wit: a different person.
“a woman’s right to control her own body.” Not even men believe this
What exactly does he mean by this? For sure the statement is no lie as we know that
*rapists don’t believe it
*abusive husbands/boyfriends don’t believe it
*anti-choice fucktards don’t believe it
*men’s rights fucktards don’t believe it
*the pope doesn’t believe it
*the taliban doesn’t believe it
Geez Davey you’ve found yourself some great company!
Pro-lie=Pro-death Now & Then
In this op-ed in the NYT By KATE MANNING we see that the Pro-Lie crowd have always been hypocrites claming a reverence for life to hide their obsession for foetuses.
She tells the story of Ann Lohman;
Lohman, who called herself Madame Restell, was an immigrant from Gloucestershire, England, who started out selling “female pills” to “regulate” women. The medicines — mostly herbs, perhaps some opium — promised relief from an “obstructed womb” and “suppressed” menstruation. “Not to be used when *******,” declared one of the many coy ads she placed, “as miscarriage may occur.”
In the event that the pills did not, in fact, induce miscarriage, Lohman offered a procedure in her offices, charging $20 for poor women, and as much as $100 for her increasingly wealthy clientele. She also boarded pregnant ladies, delivered babies, placed infants for adoption and conducted sex education classes.
Reminiscent of the rhetoric of today used against such doctors as Tiller and Morgantaler, invectives were also uttered against Lohman
In a riot organized in 1846 by the newspaper publisher George Dixon, a mob surrounded Lohman’s house and chanted, “Hanging’s too good for her!” and “This house is built on babies’ skulls.”
Even their underhanded methods have not changed
As a special agent of the United States Post Office, Comstock entrapped Lohman by posing as a husband seeking abortion services for a lady. When she provided him with some tablets, he returned and arrested her — accompanied by two reporters. She faced years in jail.
and finally neither has their disregard for born life;
“A bloody ending to a bloody life,” Comstock commented upon hearing of her death.
Dr. Warren Hern too knows of their disregard for life and children.
Even early on in his practice, Hern did not shy away from confrontation. When people protested outside his office, he stood in the parking lot and wrote down their license plates. When they shouted during his speeches, he shouted louder. When a protester hurled a rock through a clinic window, Hern hung up a sign: “This window was broken by those who hate freedom.”
But his fear grew along with his defiance. When people called his mountain home with death threats, he started keeping a rifle by the bed. “You think, ‘Is it OK to go for a hike? What about walking my son to school? What about going skiing?’ ” he said.
In 1988, a gunman fired five shots into his clinic’s waiting room, prompting Hern to install four layers of bulletproof glass and an electronic security system. That year, Hern and his wife of six years divorced, a breakup Hern attributed in part to the stress of his work.
The ever-present threats made it hard to develop relationships, Hern testified at a 1999 trial in which he and other doctors sued an antiabortion group for placing their names and personal information on a “Deadly Dozen” list. “It has made me feel a great sense of personal isolation, and that has been the most painful part of this experience,” Hern said, according to the Associated Press.
Dr. Hern has endured all this because of his commitment to women’s health
As he studied medicine, Hern said he encountered women ill from botched illegal abortions. In the early 1970s, Hern — who had planned to become an epidemiologist — became convinced that the Supreme Court’s 1973 decision to legalize abortion would mean nothing if doctors would not perform them.
“I felt doing abortions was the most important thing I could do with my life,” he said.
When Hern performed his first abortion, on a 17-year-old girl, he later wrote, he cried with a sense of relief because he had made a difference in her future.
The Pro-Lie’rs claim that there is no counselling that abortion are forced on women and that doctors take the money anyway yet this story shows the truth, note that he found the forcing of an abortion “disturbing”;
Hern recalled a disturbing situation his staff encountered 15 years ago during the counseling phase. The parents of a 14-year-old girl wanted her to terminate her pregnancy. The girl did not. As she was filling out a form, she wrote, “I think you should all be killed.”
The clinic manager called in Hern and, after more discussion, the doctor refused to perform the abortion. He has no idea what the family decided to do
There is no middle ground, no debate, no discourse that could be had with people whose blatant disregard for both life and truth is so deeply embedded that it has persisted across decades and nearly centuries.