Image via WikipediaThe NFCA has their yarn in tangle after misinterpreting this quote;
“She endured criticism with grace, accepted praise with humility. We know her work is not done. Her struggle will carry on, we hope on the world stage,” Wasylycia-Leis said. “One thing we know for sure is that she will not just stick to her knitting.”
as saying
“What we do know is she didn’t just stay home and knit!”
Now of course we know she didn’t stay home and knit, she is/was a politician and had her career in a different sort of house.
Image via WikipediaThe NFCA are trying to spin this as evil pinko feminazis dis upstanding holy guardians of the future. When in fact the quote was made by a fellow right winger [Peter Mackay] and if anything proves that the men they think of as their protectors cast them in the light they are accusing Judy Wasylycia-Leis of shining.
Here is the quote from Mackay;
McDonough and MacKay were sparring about constituency races in Nova Scotia. When he said she was using her reputation to drag NDP candidates across the finish line, she defended the NDP candidate running in his riding.
“We’ll just see what happens,” MacKay replied. “I think you better stick to your knitting and win your own riding.”
I was/am a stay at home mom to six. Not once did a person of feminist stripe degrade my work at home. In fact they were much more likely to say things like, taking care of kids is the hardest work or I don’t know how you do it, or any other of a number of supportive comments.
However, I have been disrespected, ridiculed and ignored by traditional types who thought that stay at home moms knew nothing except how to cook and clean and change diapers and who had no respect for those skills.
The The National Family Childcare Association would do well to reconsider who their friends are.
prole says
I happen to know some pretty bad-ass knitters. 😉
April Reign says
@prole –
I haven’t knitted in years but I learned when I was five. But being an evil feminazi I guess that doesn’t count.
Sara Landriault says
Sorry, there darling but misquoted or not it was still an insult.
April Reign says
@Sara Landriault –
Darling? How upper crust dear.
And as the insult originated with Peter Mackay have you emailed him? Smeared him? or are you content to continue with a campaign of mis-truths?
Sara Landriault says
By the way, I do know parents who put down others, whether they are at a paid job or not. I for one don’t. Whether you have a paid job or a job at home with your kiddies I don’t judge you. Actually the NFCA fights for both rights and doesn’t choose one side over the other.
Sara Landriault says
Darling is not upper crust, it comes Nova Scotia. If you were my spouse you would be Hun, since you are not it is darling.
I didn’t see Peter saying it when he did, but yes I did put him in my correction as well. The dog comment he made to Belinda was slammed by me as well and I’m not a fan of Belinda’s, but there is no reason to call her a dog.