There is an article in the Star by Ian Urquhart. In it he discusses Randy Hillier head of the Ontario Landowners Association.
If you don’t live in a rural area you have likely had the good fortune to have never heard of this person. Some of us are not so lucky.
Believe me Mr. Hillier means landowners in every conceivable sense of the word. He believes he has the right to do whatever he wants on his land.
So if he pours toxics all over his land and it pollutes your well that is not his problem.
The ultimate believer in individualism. But you can read his own words.
“Complacent (sic), Ignorance, and Apathy (CIA).” He said the disease “generally attacks individuals living in dense urban settings” and added:
“Once infected, there is no known cure. The patient becomes addicted to watching the CBC, desires social housing, seeks out either welfare or bureaucratic employment, and has a strong preference for public transportation. Complete dependence upon government leading to eventual death is inevitable.”
It seems Hillier has sought out the Conservatives and plans to run in the next provincial election.Though John Tory is hedging his bets by saying that nothing is in any way official yet.
The landowners are also strongly involved with the de-amalgamation efforts. I know in our area these people are relentless. Even though amalgamation happened 5 or more years ago, it is still on their front burner.
They represent every negative quality of Tories.
Support for Hilliers’ nomination is support for drastic cuts to all social programs, to environmental programs and legislation, cuts to public housing and transportation, and ulitmately a return to a Landowners system of government.
A situation to keep an eye on.
Mike says
“The landowners are also strongly involved with the de-amalgamation efforts. I know in our area these people are relentless. Even though amalgamation happened 5 or more years ago, it is still on their front burner.”
And even more ironic that they are trying to join the very party that forced amalgamation on them – the Tories.
Well if they think they can do what the want on their land, I can sue them for the damage they do to me because of it right? I don’t think a guy like Hillier would go for that.
April Reign says
Now you can see the irony and I can see the irony but the ones here say that Dalton promised to undo the amalgamation and since he didn’t….wait for it….amalgamation is the Liberals fault!
JimBobby says
Whooee! I’m a small town rural feller an’ you betcher boots I heard o’ this numbnuts. He’s a cheerleader fer the tobacka growers here in my neck o’ the woods. The tobacka growers is the richest farmers in Canadee. The Ontariariario Liberals an’ the federal Tories is joinin’ forces t’ pay 650 rich tobacka farmers a billion dollars so’s they’ll quit growin’ their poison crop. Over a million bucks a piece t’ the selfsame farmers who been makin’ obscene profits fer decades.
I wrote me up a little song all ’bout the tobacco buyout last week. The Tobacco Farmer Song.
This here Hillier’s big on killin’ gun registration an’ allowin’ farmers t’ do whatever they dang well please when it comes t’ manure run-off an’ water usage.
Rural dwellers in sparsely populated ridings get better representation in parliament than city folks. In rural ridings, there’s few voters but we still get 1 MP so us hicks got more MPs per voter than they do in Trawna or Vancouver or Montreal.
Dirty factories ain’t the only ones who’s poisonin’ ol’ Mother Earth.
Joseph Krengel says
Tory’s continuing flirtation with this group of fringe lunatics is one that has fascinated me for quite some time… mostly because it shows just how raw Tory is.
The group is political poison if the Tories ever want to move south of the 905 region, but they currently depend on it to attract votes in areas that are often dominated by the NDP; since they have all but abandoned traditional rural support in favour of neoliberal economic policy.
Ann D says
It sounds like the guy has the mindset required to fit in with some of the extreme thinkers who are becoming the political “norm” these days…..
thwap says
“eventual death is inevitable” … uh, supposedly Landowners will live forever? And yeah, gotta love him wanting to join the party that brought amalgamation. Talk about a political base of brainless zombie chumps.
JoeyB says
Hillier also writes for the extremist canadafreepress
The blog’s owner Judi McLeod, a former Toronto Sun typist, believes the Mafia, and not Arab terrorists, was behind September 11
Get a gander at these three articles…