Dear Mr. McGuinty,
My name is Devon. I am a 12 year old girl attending elementary school in Ontario.
In the past election you said your government would be best for education.
I recently watched this video, Writing on the Wall, by the Indigo Love of Reading Foundation.
I don’t think that schools should have to be in a draw to get books for kids.
School libraries should never get like this, the classrooms should never have only four textbooks for everyone in the class.
According to the video 38% of Ontario’s grade 3 children fail the standard reading exam.
The school library is the most important way to learn how to read, get up-to-date info for assignments and research and to get books to read for fun.
Four textbooks per class is not acceptable, it’s not a very good way to learn and get an Education.
Sometimes schools in rich areas can get books by donations from parents and bake sales, but poorer areas can’t do this. And bake sales are a bad way to budget for books anyway.
I hope you will take this seriously and that you and your government will do what you said about being best for Education. You can start by giving enough money to schools for libraries and textbooks.
Devon S.
I would also like to let everyone else know more about the video
you can find it on this page
Also there is a pdf with a letter to send to the Minister of Education in your province.
Please take this seriously. We are too young to vote. But our lives will be much poorer if we don’t get books and textbooks. Without them our education will suffer, and we won’t have much hope for the future.
We need adults to stand up to government and demand that they put our education first.
Good work, Devon. Yer darn tootin’ schools shouldn’t have to get lucky to have books.
Off to send a letter. . .
Devon, you are my Hero of the Week, kiddo. And thank you for updating on the Ontario government standards for education in 2007, I appreciate it. But just to let you know, it was Much Much Worser in the Harris years. Keep at it!
Thank you so much for this, Devon (and Debra).