Caught this over at Red Tory
It’s time for the NDP to take on more maturity, he says, and drop the “New.” He wants it to be called simply the Democratic Party, which would link it to the U.S. Democrats. “It’s something that I’m personally proposing and will pursue,” says Mr. Byers. “I’ve been talking to people. It resonates.”
Well isn’t that awesome! What just in time for SPP? Oh wait isn’t the NDP supposed to be against that?
“In many ways, Barack Obama’s platform is close to Jack Layton’s platform.”
Interesting, since we all know that there is huge disconnect between American and Canadian leftist politics. Could be why I feel such a huge disconnect from the party.
This quote seals the fact that this is not the party I knew.
Getting rid of the “New” would have the paradoxical impact of modernizing the party. As an added blessing, it would expunge from the lexicon the dreary and weary NDP acronym, one that conjures up refugees and communists.
This would seem a perfect new logo
skdadl says
matttbastard says
New Labour North is in the hizzouse.
Is almost enough to make me want to join the party again just so I can burn my membership card (again.)
ETA: Ahhhh Lawrence Martin. That explains the asshattery. Also, Michale Byers? Not. Impressed. With. Him. At. All.
fern hill says
What skdadl said.
Chrystal Ocean says
I cracked up when I got to the quotes from Byers.
Layton’s platform is similar to Obama’s? The name change would serve to link the Canadian party with the USian one?
Oh, goodie.
Yes, please just do drop the ‘New’. Then the move to obsolescence which has been lead by Layton & Co will be furthered, thus burying the party in its own hypocrisy.
mike says
Resonates with what, who? Why would any party want to be affiliated with a party from another country? Harpies and the Bushlites not withstanding.
ken says
Why would any Canadian in their right mind want to identify with the Democrats or Obama? The Democrats are far to the right of the NDP. Obama wants to send more U.S. troops to Afghanistan.
So our DP would be in favor of sending more troops to Afghanistan. The idea that it is the brand rather than the policies that are important reduces politics to marketing. The product is brand name bunk. The market for that is already saturated by the Liberals and Conservatives.