Those of us with children know that there are times when they come across bullies. And we often tell them that bullies are people who having such a terrible life, or being inept at things or feeling badly about themselves seek to hurt others in order to make themselves feel good. Never has such an example been made of this theory than has been made with the Conservative attack ads.
It started with the attack on Dion being shown during the afternoon on a children’s programming network. I blogged about how upset my son was about this. He still talks about it and wonders why such an ad would appear among the anti-bullying ads the station often runs.
Having seen the seemingly constantly running attack ads on Ignateiff his opinion of Conservatives has dropped even lower.
So I would like to thank the Conservative Party for not only showing what sad sad people bullies are but also ensuring that my children will never in their lifetimes ever vote Conservative and in fact are eager to do what they can even at this age to defeat them!
Hannah says
The Conservatives are great at shooting themselves in the foot aren't they? So pathetic how they waste their money on crap like attack ads.