Back in May P’n’P tagged me for this meme.
Yesterday Unrepentant Old Hippie tagged me, so lets see if I can come up with any more interesting(and I use the term loosely) facts about me;
The rules are as follows:
• Each player creates a list of eight random personal facts/habits.
• At the end of your post, list eight people who you want to tag to also do this meme.
• People who are tagged will write their own list of eight personal facts/habits and, if they have a blog of their own, post these rules and their list.
1. I hate peanut butter
2. I always cry when Matthew reads Funeral Blues at Gareth’s funeral, in Four Weddings and a Funeral.
3. I love gadgety goodness. If I had the money I would buy the gadgets. On my list of things I’d like to aquire, digital camera, video camera, cell phone, PDA, laptop. Not exactly newfangled devices but first I need to catch up.
4. I used to adore Black Magic chocolates, but haven’t liked them since Nestlé took over Rowntree’s.
5. My idea of hilarity often fails to be found funny by others. Oh well.
6. I cannot wrap my head around why people like Ann Coulter get so much attention, fame (infamy? ) and money, when there are intelligent human beings trying to make a real difference whose voices are never heard.
7. I’m not a good winter person. Every March I wander around my property looking for signs of spring and life.
8. If I had to do one of those crazy pageant wishes, it would be to bestow empathy and compassion on everyone. I believe that it is the lack of these two attributes that is responsible for most of the harm that people do.
Consider yourself tagged. 😛