Interesting story over at CTV on the proposed bill to end tax credits for creative endeavors the (Not your fathers) Conservative Religion Party disapprove of. Can you trust a party with your tax dollars when they don’t even know, nor do they care to find out, what they are disapproving of and defunding?
“I don’t know what the contents of the movie are, but certainly the title would suggest that it’s something that generally taxpayers would not be too damned enthused about having their money put into its production,” said Opposition Leader Bob Runciman.
I don’t know anything about it but feel perfectly entitled cast judgment anyway. How typically right wing.
Further to that, not only do they not know, they will fire anyone who gives the impression they are trying to inform themselves.
A special screening in Ottawa was well-attended by opposition MPs, although no Conservative members showed up. A staffer for Cambridge Conservative MP Gary Goodyear was fired for reserving a ticket in his name without permission.
McGuinty while also unfamiliar with the film recognizes the dangers in government interference in artistic endeavor.
“I just think there’s trouble down that path if we start making those calls as elected officials when it comes to what has and does not have artistic merit.”
“I just don’t think we politicians should be getting into lending a shape to building designs, what poetry is acceptable and not, and what movies are acceptable and not,” he added.
Great write up on this movie over at