Tonight’s leadership debate was much better than I expected. While I didn’t see a clear winner I did see more honest talk than there has been for some time.
May was fantastic and a real asset to the debate. Duceppe was hilarious when asked what his first order of business would be as PM he said he wasn’t going to be elected PM but this is what he would lobby the others to do.
Layton was articulate, on message and got some lovely digs at Harper including asking Harper if he was keeping his platform under his sweater.
Harper slipped a couple of times with Dion proving how he is misconstruing Dion’s words to put forth his own agenda.
As far Harper I’ll quote my son;
he really showed obvious signs of “fight or flight” instincts any time he was asked a direct question from one of the other candidates or whenever they called him on something he said that wasn’t true. His eyes were darting, he shifted multiple times in a small time period and he hunched down making himself as small as possible. And all I could think is if he can’t stand up strong during a simple debate was: How, if he ever actually got elected, could he stand up to his opposition (excluding underhanded tactics.) And if he can’t do that, how would he be able to stand up to other world leaders, especially those who he already seems to have a weakness to? (Bush, McCain if he somehow gets elected.)
he just seemed like a very weak leader in that, he couldn’t stand up to any of them strongly, and could do nothing but evade any straightforward question. He showed clearly his policies are based on lip service to ideology.
It will be interesting to see how the media spins it.