In a move that showed Canadians Liberals have their best interest at heart, newly minted Liberal leader Ignarieff voted down the Harper budget. Citing lack of initiatives to protect or create jobs, complete disregard for the women of Canada, and a deficit which will take decades to pay yet resolves nothing…… Oh wait no.. that’s not what happened at all.
Sure the budget wasn’t worth the cost of the paper it was printed on. Sure women received absolutely nothing. Sure ordinary working class Canadians were once again told to stuff it in favour of an estimated 3 billion to paid to those who not only can afford to keep their homes but renovate them too, sure there were reports of infrastructure payments –oh did we mention they got the idea from a spam scam? ya– you put up the money first and then we’ll give you riches…sure the budget held all this and more but Ignatieff voted for it anyway.
OOOOO but there were caveats. Yep there were. Big special important ones too. Like the Cons gotta keep Canadians informed about where their money is being spent and gotta check in and keep the parliament informed…uh pssssst Iggy…isn’t that how a democratically elected government is supposed to perform anyway?
What was the point in the Liberals electing appointing a new leader?