Please see this post on Verbena19’s blog for more details and how to contact Peter Mackay to get action this situation.
Harper …Standing up for Canadian Bigots
We all know that the Harper Government™ Stand up for Canada handbook is rather like how they name streets after the trees they killed to put the street there.
A new handbook is in order and I’ve got an image of the prototype here.
Feel free to post it and share it among your friends.
Stand up for Canada…cause Harper won’t
Another YouTube.
(hope the embed doesn’t slow the blog load too much)
You want it when?
Unfamiliar it seems with reality, Canada’s New Government™ has once again proven their incompetence.
Under questioning by NDP MP Irene Mathyssen, Monte Solberg, Minister of Human Resources and Social Development finally admitted yesterday that none of the 70 million dollars earmarked for soup kitchens and shelters will be spent until or after April 1st.
Naturally in Canada in winter shelter is not a priority concern. People can do without food.
Harpers’ government has placed quite an emphasis on April 1st.
We can only hope that on that day we will learn this government has been nothing more than the practical joke it appears to be .
Privatize Canada Post
The non-partisan (nudge,nudge, wink, wink) C.D. Howe Institute has come up with a report–pdf– calling for the privatization of Canada Post.
It is well worth the 22 pages of quick reading.
I’ll touch on a few of the gems to be found. [Read more…] about Privatize Canada Post
Are Tits breasts?
The Breast Cancer Society of Canada doesn’t seem to think so.
BCSC turned down a donation of funds raised at a strip club event so as not to offend certain other donors.
How nice.
I wonder who else they won’t accept donations from?
Perhaps they have access to studies showing that strippers aren’t women. That they aren’t subject to the same chance of breast cancer as the rest of us.
They claim that they turned the money down because its major donors did not support a connection to exotic dancers.
Did the money have a money shot on it? What the hell?
I propose we send letters to the Breast Cancer Society of Canada which they can read at their leisure and then pass on to their major donors.
Included in this letter would be the definition of charity
To wit;
1. Provision of help or relief to the poor; almsgiving.
2. Something given to help the needy; alms.
3. An institution, organization, or fund established to help the needy.
4. Benevolence or generosity toward others or toward humanity.
5. Indulgence or forbearance in judging others.
And if that is too subtle maybe someone would take it upon themselves to mail a stripper pole or facsimile of with explicit instructions of where to place it.