A Kenyan man is suing the organizers of a sex ban claiming, “”I have been suffering mental anguish, stress, backaches, lack of concentration”
I wonder if this marks a first for ‘blue balls’ litigation?
Speak your mind even if your voice shakes
by Debra
A Kenyan man is suing the organizers of a sex ban claiming, “”I have been suffering mental anguish, stress, backaches, lack of concentration”
I wonder if this marks a first for ‘blue balls’ litigation?
by Debra
CLC and KLR Vu’s formal press release;
NEW NATIONAL POLL: Among 13,000+ Respondents 56% Oppose Morgentaler Order of Canada
TORONTO, July 22 /CNW/ – A random telephone poll of Canadian households
with 13,324 respondents conducted between July 17-21, 2008 has revealed that
55.8% of Canadians oppose the awarding of the Order of Canada to abortionist
Henry Morgentaler.
The national poll commissioned by Campaign Life Coalition (CLC) and just
completed, by KLRVU polling has a 95% confidence level and a margin of error
of 1.5%. The data is accurate 19 times out of 20. A breakdown of votes by
province is provided.
Beginning with a wave on the east coast of Newfoundland, ebbing slightly
in Quebec and then continuing with a surge in Ontario right to the west
coast-the tide of opinion against awarding abortionist Henry Morgentaler has
risen, dramatically.
“Whatever side of the abortion debate you are on, many Canadians from all
walks of life felt this appointment went way too far and offended too many,”
said Jim Hughes National President of CLC. “The mass media coverage of the
Morgentaler award has given us the largest abortion debate this country has
seen in twenty years, and Canadians when they are forced to think about
abortion realize it is horrible.”
In every region of the country opinion has soured considerably. Ontario
is now 58 percent against honoring the infamous abortionist, with the prairies
and the Atlantic provinces having two thirds of its citizens against. Even in
Quebec support for Morgentaler has dropped to 53 percent.
“Clearly the waves of offended Canadians speaking out have had an
impact,” says Mary Ellen Douglas, CLC National Organizer. “When a former
Lieutenant Governor speaks out and returns his ‘Snowflake’, disavowing himself
from the Order, undoubtedly that is going to have an effect.”
Opinion has become the most negative in the Atlantic with Nova Scotia
leading the way at 68 percent against. The substantial size of the sample
gives some unique insights into the regions. For instance over 400 people were
surveyed in Newfoundland alone, even the territories were sampled. With over
13,000+ participants, this survey speaks definitively on the opinion within
the country.<< Provincial % of No's------------------------------------------------------------------------- Province BC AB SK MB ON QC NB NS PEI NL NWT/NT YK ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Percent 55% 64% 65% 66% 58% 47% 62% 68% 67% 64% 57% 57% -------------------------------------------------------------------------The Question "Do you believe abortionist Henry Morgentaler deserves the Order of Canada Press 1 for Yes Press 2 for No"A French script was used for the province of Quebec. >>
The extensive scientific poll called 157,115 Canadian households,
yielding over 13,000 respondents and the results were weighted in regional
proportions. Results have a margin of error of +/- 1.5%, 19 times out of 20.
The subgroups may have larger margins of error based on concentration of
population. The Targeted Population was Canadian households, respondents were
a result of households that were selected at random, using a random algorithm
provided by INFOLIST Canada, of Toronto, ON. Responses were weighted according
to geographical area, so that the sample would reflect the actual demographic
proportions in the population, using most recent Statistics Canada estimates.
How this poll was conducted: This KLRVU poll was conducted by touchtone
technology which polls households across Canada. Using this technology with
the voice of a professional announcer all respondents heard the questions
asked identically. In theory, with the stated sample size, one can say with
95% certainty that the results would not vary by more than the stated margin
of sampling error, in one direction or the other. There are other possible
sources of error in all surveys that may be more serious than theoretical
calculations of sampling error. These include refusals to be interviewed,
question wording and question order, weighting by demographic control data and
the manner in which respondents are filtered (such as, determining who is a
likely participant). It is difficult to quantify the errors that may result
from these factors.
Fieldwork for this survey was done by KLRVU Research of Winnipeg, MB.About KLRVU Research
Based in Winnipeg, KLRVU Research is a privately owned polling company
working with private firms since 2006 providing research services. Core
services include research, data collection and macro polling services.Campaign Life Coalition, together with many other organizations, will
continue to urge Canadians to call the Governor General’s office and insist
that the award be revoked.For further information: on the results of this survey, call: Media
Contact: Mary Ellen Douglas, CLC National Organizer, (613) 389-4472;
Marie-Christine Houle, CLC Toronto, (cell) (519) 569-0369; KLRVU Research,
Winnipeg, (204) 999-7446
Sorry FFers once again EPIC FAIL!
While all this is for the most part amusing, albeit showing a disgusting lack of ethics, to see the true nature of the people behind the push to deny reproductive rights read this story [points to a google cache page as the page is currently down]
This is true terrorism.
h/t to Alison@Creekside for the link
by Debra
This ad [created by the AMV BBDO ad company] is fantastic, unfortunately it fell victim to the homophobic atmosphere that even a new millennium hasn’t shaken.
Interestingly enough the ad can’t be shown around children’s programming bacause mayo is a high fat product and can’t be marketed to children.
by Debra
by Debra
Good news for those needing medical marijuana Judge Barry Strayer has ruled;
“In my view it is not tenable for the government, consistently with the right established in other courts for qualified medical users to have reasonable access to marijuana, to force them either to buy from the government contractor, grow their own or be limited to the unnecessarily restrictive system of designated producers,”
His ruling provides those partaking of medical marijuana greater freedom in actually purchasing or growing and providing the herb.
“(It was) constitutionally suspect from the beginning,” said lawyer Alan Young, who argued in court on behalf of the sick.
“My position always was that if you’re going to do something like that, you’d better have an adequate alternative.”
Ottawa could either rewrite the regulations, come up with a new ratio, “or they can simply leave it as an open market so that people who are experienced and have the right secure facility will be able to apply to grow for 10 patients, 20 patients,” Young said.
by Debra
Civil, nice, polite what are the meanings behind these terms? According to an online dictionary;
consideration for others and the adherence to conventional social standards of good behavior
Good behaviour and conventional social standards. So in other words when Sir Rodmond Roblin stated, ‘”nice” women weren’t interested in voting’ McClung should have recognized that she wasn’t bringing the middle ground to her side and should have gone home and baked a pie.
Perhaps we should be nice like the anti choice side
is this nice?
What about these lovely acts of “pro-life”?
* August 19, 1993: Dr. George Tiller was shot outside of an abortion facility in Wichita, Kansas. Shelley Shannon was charged with the crime and received an 11-year prison sentence.
* June 29, 1994: June Barret was shot in the same attack which claimed the lives of James Barrett, her husband, and Dr. John Britton.
* December 30, 1994: Five individuals were wounded in the same-day shootings which killed Shannon Lowney and Lee Ann Nichols.
* December 18, 1996: Dr. Calvin Jackson of New Orleans, Louisiana was stabbed 15 times, losing 4 pints of blood. Donald Cooper was charged with second-degree attempted murder and sentenced to 20 years.[11]
* October 28, 1997: A physician whose name has not been revealed was shot in his home in Rochester, New York.
* January 29, 1998: Emily Lyons, a nurse, was severely injured in the bombing which also killed Robert Sanderson.
* September 11, 2006 David McMenemy attempted a suicide bombing of a women’s clinic in Davenport, Iowa after scouting targets throughout the Midwest. It was later revealed that the targeted clinic did not perform or make referrals for abortions.
In fact according to the above from Wiki CSIS “defined anti-abortion violence as “single issue terrorism””
What about calls of murders, child killers, sinners, culture of death?
Those of us who see the damage done when women have their choices removed are far more interested in protection of reproductive liberty, than the wishy washy support of those who can’t bring themselves to fully support women’s rights.
As Nellie McClung intoned;
“Never retreat, never explain, never apologize. Get the thing done and let them howl.”