*Filed under STOP KILLING IRONY!!!1
An Idaho senate candidate has had his name legally changed to Pro-Life so that he can appear on the ballot that way. Apparently though his little stunt has even other so called pro-lifers questioning his move.
David Ripley, executive director of Idaho Chooses Life, says he knows and respects Pro-Life but fears some voters may think Pro-Life is a position rather than a candidate and mistakenly mark their ballots both for him and for another anti-abortion candidate for the Senate, thus nullifying their choices.
“I’m pretty concerned about it,” Ripley said. “I think that could cause a lot of confusion out there … (Its) more likely to undermine the pro-life movement by having a lot of pro-life votes discounted.
Well they know their target audience isn’t exactly ..shall we say swift?
Pro-Life,66 (not to be confused with his cousin Route) said; “If I save one baby’s life, it’s worth it.”
I figure if he confuses the hell out of just one uterus fascist it’s worth it!
UPDATE: Youtube video here
Prole says
He should have changed his name to Douche Bag.
JJ says
If he really wants to save babies, I mean real, crawling-around, air-breathing babies, he should change his name to “Anti-War” and work from there.
April Reign says
@ Prole ..no doubt eh?
@ JJ… yabut we gotta spit ’em out so they can go to the wars doncha know
Gigi says
Just: wow.
Katie Lee says
If this were any closer to April Fool’s day, there’s absolutely no way I’d believe this were true. INSANE!