Image via WikipediaDavid Warren soils the Ottawa Citizen before it even reaches the bird cage with this piece of hate filled tripe “It’s feminist slander that men are inherently violent”.The fallacies and utter nonsense spewed in the piece do not even warrant comment, though the fact that such a piece of drivel would get published may.
More to the point is the ironic juxtaposition of a breaking story of a woman killed, two small children being taken by children’s services and a man being lead away in handcuffs. Now I’m sure that the man is completely innocent (certainly till he has his day in court.) No doubt this evil woman died of her own hand and found a way to make it look like the man did it.
Just as a final thought. I wonder how these “oooo the evul wimmins is stealing my ballz” types are handling their female counterparts using “feminist” talking points about the dangers of being beaten or killed by partners during pregnancy in an effort to score points for Bill C-484? Maybe they just close their eyes and think of England.