The Ontario government has decided to post your picture and personal information if you don’t pay up on your child support.
the website will include names, physical descriptions, last known addresses and occupations.
While I am unsympathetic to those who can and simply refuse to pay child support, there can be legitimate reasons why support payments have fallen behind. And we all know that the government is famous for mistakes.
They do apparently rely on the permission of the person owed the money, however, many people involved in these situations are quite adversarial and so might consider the smack at a former spouse before all else.
I think we are becoming far too comfortable with the idea of stealing peoples privacy “for the greater good”.
Cameras everywhere, more and more stringent ID requirements, less privacy and fewer civil rights.
These are easy targets, of course, who doesn’t want parents to fulfil their obligations? But if we do not protect the rights of those who we may feel do not deserve them, we set up easy inroads to take away the rights of those that we feel do.
We may agree that it is easier to prosecute if a crime has been captured on video. But do we agree that all our movements should be recorded?
Where does the line between defence and offence blur?