Are you tired of voters laughing when you show them your poll? Would you like to regain confidence in your election?
oops that was the spam file.
Again and again we read of the unwillingness of Liberals to actively participate in the actual process of politics. It seems they have decided that whinging about the current government while voting for their neo-con agenda [or refusing to participate at all] constitutes opposition.
Anyone who listened to the Liberal election call of ” a vote for the NDP is a wasted vote” must be wondering if in fact a vote for the Liberals is not only a wasted vote but a vote for the conservatives [not your fathers conservatives].
Partisans do love their polls. [oops thought I deleted the spam file] In an effort to educate the Liberals on how the voters feel I am conducting a poll right here.
Why do you feel the Liberals won’t force an election?
You may choose up to 3 answers.