There is currently before the House a private members bill that “would amend the Criminal Code to allow separate homicide charges to be laid in the death of a foetus when a pregnant woman is attacked.”
This in effect suggests that a foetus be defined as a separate “person” from the mother. This definition of ‘personhood’ would immediately open the door to criminalizing abortion and those having/performing them.
This bill is being brought forward by a special interest group.
Ken Epp is a member of the Campaign Life Coalition.
As Raymond Gravel, a Bloc MP and a priest said;
the member putting it forward is part of a pro-life group, the Campaign Life Coalition, which in my view is a rather extreme fanatical group, when it comes to life.”
I for one do not wish extreme fanatics dictating my choices. Such action leads to fascism.
For more information on this bill and to take action please visit Birth Pangs.