22 Minutes hits one out of the park. Go here and click on Avery Adams Election Wrap Up. You’ll be glad you did!
Oh and Stevie here’s the link to the Ikea catalogue.
Speak your mind even if your voice shakes
by Debra
by Debra
George Carlin was never one to shy away from controversy. As a lover of comedy I have come to feel almost as if I know him, yet I’ve never even been to a show. I will miss him greatly. Sincere condolences to his family.
Here are some videos showing George talking about some of my favorite subjects.
and of course the Seven Words
Related articles
by Debra
Usually you hear of celebrities being stalked, however, AR Media has learned of a shocking case of stalking by a celebrity.
Can you tell us what happened Bob?
Well I was just sitting around watching the Jays minding my own business when I thought I heard something on the porch. I opened the door and there was David Suzuki changing my porch bulb.
I was kinda like WTF? Turns out he had engaged the help of the Neighbourhood Association and everyone was turning on their new light bulbs at the same time. It looked sorta cool. I walked with him down the street because I wasn’t too sure of my families safety. He seemed nice enough, told me I had the power, and left. (here is the Neighbourhood Association video)
I thought that was the end of it. A story to tell down at the pub. [Read more…] about Celebrity Stalking
by Debra
A perfect blend of cats, comedy and rock.
by Debra
In an interview with AR media when Mr. Layton was asked if he had stopped beating his wife he replied no.
Full Transcript follows;
AR Media: Mr. Layton, have you stopped beating your wife?
Mr. Layton: Well since I never started beating my wife and in fact believe strongly in ending domestic abuse, I would have to say no.
AR Media: Mr Layton some might opine that by saying no you are in fact aligning yourself with those who see nothing wrong with such activity. How would you answer those people?
Jack Layton: Well to repeat I am against domestic violence and this question is one which has no winning answer to say yes I have implies support for an activity I condemn, to say no implies that I am going to continue on with an activity which in reality I have never been a part of.
AR Media: Can you explain further?
Mr. Layton: Look it’s much this vote on Afghanistan. If we vote to support a partial pull out in 2009 we are seen as saying we support our troops being there until that time, if we vote against it we are seen as saying that we support a war effort completely and without timetable.
It is much like your first question, one in which there is no way not to come out smeared by an accusation of an activity I was never involved with in the first place.
AR Media: Thank you Mr. Layton
Edited to add there was an NDP ammendment proposed
In an effort to try to find common ground, let me propose the following amendment to determine whether or not the House would be willing to take the appropriate actions. The amendment would read as follows: “That the motion be amended by deleting the words after ‘operations in southern Afghanistan’ in the preamble and replacing them with the following: ‘This House call on the government to begin now to withdraw Canadian Forces in a safe and secure manner from the counter-insurgency mission in Afghanistan and call upon the government to notify NATO of this decision immediately’”.
by Debra
A selection of things found round the interweb this week.
From http://www.joe-ks.com/archives_apr2001/OldFolkMouse.jpg